Wednesday, March 24, 2010

feeling bad is good

so you've heard about my injury right?  my writer's injury.  this s hurts!  really!!!  so i have to recover before i can do anything more :o(

i was just laying in bed, headphones on, w/kaine, able on the floor, things are cool.  still hurting, i told my body to feel better, because my mind was trying to follow.  then the both worked together telling each other to do better and to feel better because you have to do more and you can make it.  it was strange, and a super-awesome breakthrough! 

lol, kaine just scared able a little bit.  he's a big stack of beef ;o)  no but really, this is good.  none of this has ever happened before, so it's nice to learn what's up. 

back to bed :o)

what next?

i wonder about that exact question sometimes.  daily really.

this is an interesting leg of the race...i'm totally worn out, exhausted and physically shut DOWN.  i'm not complaining, it's just funny when you have a tontontontonton o'fun to get done lol & you either a-fall asleep doing it or are too puffed up and swollen to do anything of any worth. so i have to mend up!  aw man!  not now!!!! lol...but it's cool.  i've never been sore like this before.  it feels really good. 

so, don't know if i've mentioned it recently, but the 2 grants  have both had significant breakthroughs.

just keep going.  i just have to keep going.  i'm really excited.  in general, and about everyone as a collective.  speaking of collectives i have to make a run tomorrow.

i haven't edited anything lately.  i think it's gonna have to be for times of extreme need and really just for when i get to my new home.  b/c i just might miss my old one pretty bad.  but it's ok, b'c i'm so looking forward to everything coming up :o)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

book II...& the 2nd edish

i thought i was going to be doing a million different different things.  but it turns out this book is turning out to be turning out pretty easily.  i did something similar as i did with the first, i only allowed myself to express in that medium in that way.  i was feeling oppressed!  ahaha!  yeahhhh, but i got over it :o)  and then things turned good, real easy....and now the book is just falling together in such a fast natural way i'm amazed that more people aren't writers.

and so, i've continued very heavily with the 3rd book.

and 2 more grants.  and finishing up the experimentals, and thinking of how i'm going to film 'the last days of LA' along with, literally, the last things that I HAVE to do in LA, plus a few i have to do OUTside of LA.  it all works together, gets piled up together, accumulates together.    yeahyeah, but it's really not work. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

part II & the next.

so.  i thought i was going to be drinking some soju tonight (which i LOVE)...but i can't get on that ship just yet.  it's 12:42am, so if i start on that now, i might be passed out around 6am...which could be ok, but i'm going for an all nighter and then hopping right onto the bus for the beverly center in the am. gotta continue that mission sun.  don't know what tomorrow's mission is going to add up in.  maybe some shoes?  workout stuff?  t-shirts?  i don't know, i need it all, but i'm not really buyingbuying anything until i get to japan (kansai).  but i was right on the EDGE of getting as much as i could here (b/c my clothes game is WEAK)...but i thought about it.  i said, hmm....doesn't make much sense.  non-japan style & lugging it 5k away?  but really, i need more luggage-type stuff, and a few clothes just to tide me over here and there.  should i grab that soju now?  soju & rose?  how is that?  not in the same glass, but you know.  side by side.  may as well...

so,  you know i finished my 1st book recently right?  it's called 'a volume of 48'.  it's a book of poetry. right now, i'm working on the 2nd edition, which includes some translations which are in japanese.  but looks like another book is coming up soon.  it's one that i actually started before the 1st one.  it's a book of short stories, essays, letters, and a short autobiography.  and looks like it'll be done soon.   i turned that 1st book in for a grant, and right after i got started on 2 more. but i'm still going to work on this new book because really it's not hard at all, it's just a matter of snagging the times (immediately, w/no procrastination) when it's time to write. 

and so...i still have a TON of baby-fun to get done (lol) with filming while i'm here.  i have hardware 'challenges',lol, to solve here at home and other things.  but really, i'm trying to put as much film stuff as i can until i get to kansai b/c i feel that my editing will be more effective over there.  but i cannot escape the rest of the filming i have to do here!  i almost tried though ;o)  so instead, i've gotten back on course and just wound up taking a couple of days off...i've been needing a lot of that lately ;o)