Monday, March 18, 2013


I just took a look at my entry dates, and oy!!, it's been a whilllllle...on both blogs. But just like my youtube channel, i'm going renegade style. On my phone, on the train. You could see the footage.

What have I been doing?? Btw, i'm asking myself that. Nevertheless....

I forgot to take a picture before I left home, but coming up in the next post is a pretty cool palette breakdown,i spoke about it before. I have about 22 colors on my plate, oil paints that is, and they're looking like a pretty harmonious set. Good hues, and good saturation.

I have them all laid out and listed, and within each example white is also included. You'd be surprised at how much a color can change once you've added write to it. Stay tuned :o)

In the past two months, i've also scrapped one book and started on two others. One is an illustrated narrative, and the other is just a  (way) better version of the original novel that I was working on. Maybe i'll put a few pages up here? So exposing!
A good friend of mine just sold one of his scripts, for about 80K. He never sold before because of the exposure. I'd been trying for years to just get them printed and at least go for a literary agent, but he's a sensitive guy when it comes to his scripts ;o) but he took the plunge, and now he's gotten a little broken into the exposure ;o) and this script wasn't even his masterpieces. Or, rather, one of his better works. He did it on purpose like that,lol. Funny guy!

now he's about to invest into a married couple of friends of his, and has a little more room to think. I'm really happy for him...  :o)

Maybe one day, i'll get a breakthrough?? It would be nice to get recognized in a good, significant way. But now i'll just concentrate on getting the work done. 

Stay tuned!