Saturday, January 30, 2010

a little off film...but maybe later?

not quite about film...but actually yes, it will be.

Friday, January 29, 2010

a block of editing unblocked the editors' block

remember the old school way of showing possession? after the s? i do homage to my elementary school english teacher, mr.rufersburger. one of my favorite teachers of all time :o) block has cleared! ah, it's so nice :o) and it was sooo much fun. the chunk i worked on was a cross of a tired fly (under an extreme close-up) & our french brother (cyril) de-greasing foie gras & giving it to our brother tabish and i. along with other stuff, but that was the main was so funny, the people in starbuck's may have thought i was a lunatic because i was laughing to myself so much.

now i'm spent. i'll get back on it later, but now i just want syrah, chinese & sex (and the city, lol...the film)


after effects tutorials, sheesh!

learning is fun, but sometimes what it takes isn't. sheesh! i'm in the middle of editing the august experimental, and it's so big and huge, it's intimidating :o) i love it though...

my editing software is reaching it's limit, and that's ok. but to up the ante, i thought about applying after effects to it (and we're talking about adobe after effects). but guess what? i don't know after effects, so i'm learning it along with the tedious editing. sheesh! this is not the fun part of the game. i feel like i'm pledging all over agagin. actually, i've been feeling like that a lot lately.

and all i can think of is what comes next. my next project, the equipment that comes along with it. it's kind of natural because what i'm doing now kind of sucks. i'd like to fire up a j and just ride out on all this tutorial debauchery, which may actually not be too bad of an idea (smiling) but i'm maintaining a different kind of focus right now, so maybe later (hehe) but not now.

and i'm also not so inspired as of late. sheesh! i've been trying to write, but now's not looking like the time, and my mind's been a wild thing to control. so i'm trying to push myself past and through this. one of the challenges of filmmaking. it's really been the first time that i've been so away from a project. looking like it's just part of the territory. a small part.

:o) (where are my smiley faces in this place?! don't they know how much we love smilies? see---even the word itself is cute)

...signing off & journeying on...


Thursday, January 21, 2010

in the saddle

i never left, but i feel like i'm back in it. does this make sense? i decided to change this blog to being more specific because i have other places that cater to other subjects. and, please be sure to check those out. i need some support! plus, i think you'll find them all entertaining too...

so now i'm finishing up my last experimental, 'august experimental'. it's one of 3, all from 'DOC1:the shenandoah house' footage from the summer. the june & july experimentals are already finished, but this one is the monster of the crop. it's 5 times as long, and i'm seeing the challenges with a project this big. i want to do a lot more with it, but the software i've usually been editing with isn't capable of what i'd like to do. and there's SO much to edit, it's crazy. there's a light at the end of every film tunnel, and some of the new techniques i wanted to try were my light. but now i have to work a little harder for it because in order for that light to exist, i have to learn another program (after effects) in order to supplement my usual editing software (movie maker). so, i'll be doing some tedious kind of work for a while. editing a massive project while watching (sometimes very boring) tutorials. not so fun, but it will be, and right now this stuff is just part of the process.

after this last experimental, i'll be cashing in my avid trial. it's for a month, and that's cool, it's a good amount of time to finish editing my next projects. 3 shorts ('american geisha', 'hermaphrodite', & 'different styles of royalty'; all short stores from a book ('the short (stories)') that i'm working on/finishing up now. so i'll shoot those first, then start the editing. shooting is going to be exciting because i'm also switching up equipment. i'm going from an olympus digital, to a sony film camcorder. the camcorder is from '97 & has a broken battery. it has to be plugged in because the battery area is bunk somewhere, so i'll be restricted to always having to be by an outlet. but it's totally ok, because this is a real camera. the olympus is too, but the zoom on this camcorder and the sound are totally in a different league. it's just meant to be a filming camera. the digital is a camera with video function. which is good too, it's a beautiful camera, i've been really happy with it. but the look of this sony is just fantastic. it's really grainy. and i also bought the adapter for it so i can convert the footage to digital so i can edit on my laptop. but all the ends were female and i had to wait a little while to score the couplers. so in the meanwhile i did the experimentals. i wanted to do something with the DOC1 footage while it's in a semi-hiatus. and all of my tapes were almost full and i didn't want to do too much footage-mixing because there's still old footage to do something with in there. i'll probably just add it to DOC1. it's from 2005 when my sister & i cam to LA for the first time. it's still LA DOC footage, so maybe it'll just add-to the finished product.

ok, i'm off for more cheetos and to do some journaling. even though straight journaling hasn't been that satisfying, i'll be doing comic-style/storyboard-style journaling. and maybe the writing will be in a haiku style? i don't know. i've also got some japanese to study. major breakthroughs have been going down lately, so i've gotta do my part to keep the momentum up.

here's a link to my youtube page. the june & july experimentals are there:

Saturday, January 16, 2010

a record of what i hear

this is for you

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

the truth

you know, i'm not sure of this, but i'm pretty sure a plant can't have 2 roots. i was thinking about this lately. it's the same as a person being double-minded. if i make a decision, i want to follow it through & support it from beginning to end. so if i believe one thing, but then do things or think things that don't support that, then it's the same as me not supporting it from the beginning.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


i'm excited! i had a blog here, but it didn't work properly, so today i started anew & we're here! lately i've been writing in different ways, but here i'd like to account for my daily life in a story-type way. and sometimes very opinion based or fictional, but if it's fictional, it's going to be obvious. so i'll start with my dog.

he likes to boss me around, very subtly. it gets on my nerves! this little muscleball trying to run my life. you'd better back off!!! man! step DOWN! seriously, he tries to stare me down and stuff. i had to call that game short because i call the rules. he got the point. he's still in his cage. good riddance! stay in there meathead! i'm tired of fighting you and your little beefy self. sheesh.