Tuesday, January 12, 2010


i'm excited! i had a blog here, but it didn't work properly, so today i started anew & we're here! lately i've been writing in different ways, but here i'd like to account for my daily life in a story-type way. and sometimes very opinion based or fictional, but if it's fictional, it's going to be obvious. so i'll start with my dog.

he likes to boss me around, very subtly. it gets on my nerves! this little muscleball trying to run my life. you'd better back off!!! man! step DOWN! seriously, he tries to stare me down and stuff. i had to call that game short because i call the rules. he got the point. he's still in his cage. good riddance! stay in there meathead! i'm tired of fighting you and your little beefy self. sheesh.

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