Friday, July 19, 2013

the current project equals many of the ideas combined

for the past while i'd been struggling with what to work on.  i get many ideas, but when it comes to concentrating on them, i have an incredibly tough time.  but i feel that if i were to concentrate on one, i'd be in good shape.  especially if i were to continue with that momentum.  

should i even talk about what i'm working on now?  well, i will...i guess it's an american manga.  it's more along the lines of how manga is, being more personable to the characters and the story and a little less dialogue, but it's not in japanese, and i'm not japanese, so i can't really say that it is manga.  and it's not like a traditional american comic, like when a team is working together on different parts of the project en whole, or like how american comics tend to be more about the overall story and everyone involved and having (in general) more dialogue.  

i'm in the coffee shop.  all i can think, and all i've been thinking lately is that people are strange.  am i this strange?  or, at least, do i come off as being this strange?  

but yeah.  i wanted to write a book, and continue sketching, and tell a story.  i was thinking about telling the story really through a short film about atlanta.  and then sketching for practice, and continuing to write the book.  and paint.  but for many years i've been getting lost in my ideas.   think i need to ask one of my painter friends about this.

  he and i had this conversation a few years ago, about creative types who have many ideas, usually at once, and getting bombarded by them.  

but now i'm concentrating.  i have an ongoing homework list that i work diligently on, so i figure that if i keep on, that i'll make it through.  

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