Thursday, September 20, 2012


you see that guy?  he's concentrating.  

that little guy up there is kaine.  he's definitely a concentrator.  and even though it's 1:05 in the morning, and i'm just starting in on an americano so i can finish this, i'm concentrating.  

i set a goal.  a goal to post to the blog (now blogs, i decided to update both weekly) and post a new you tube video every other week. so one week, a video, the next a blog post. and it's all taking a good bit of concentration.

like a lot of you know, i just had a little baby not too long ago.  and figuring out our 'new' life has DEFINITELY taken a LOT of concentration.  i have all of these goals, and checklists and things like that that i need to do, but now my hands are constantly full.  at first i was very frustrated.  but i can't give up, i won't say that i don't know how, but i will say that it's an impossibility.  maybe i don't know how.  i just figure that we all do know how, it's just whether we can or not.  i can't. so i kept trying, especially, with the super awesome love fro my husband, and all of his suggestions an efforts to keep me happy.  happy meaning, still being able to work on the things that i feel define me, happy because i feel like i'm not a stagnant artist/writer.  i'm especially happy that i can continue trying.  

but like i said, and keep takes concentration.  so i've been going to cafes around home, for a few hours at a time here and there to work on getting into a mode.  developing a way, a schedule, or something that'll help me achieve our goals.  

my most recent discovery is taking away time in my daily schedule.  i've developed a daily schedule, that includes my top 5 things that i want to do in a day. for example:

1st Check emails
return emails, clean junk & trash folders, etc

2nd Check *job board*
apply on sites, submit applications, work on submissions 

3rd Apply for other jobs (alt sources)
apply directly (cont until successful)


5th Update
sites, fb, etc

with a baby, it's not a very good feeling to run into a 'time' and you 'can't' do something because you're occupied.  but with numerical priorities, you can do everything in your day that's WAY more of a priority, but still do the other things that are most important.  

that's where i am.  hopefully i'll get a little further soon.  

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